Tuesday, 3 April 2012

So many viruses

Have you seen the Simpsons where Mr Burns goes for a check-up? He’s eventually diagnosed with “everything” (including several diseases which had just been discovered – on him). The doctor reveals that these ailments are so balanced they cancel eachother out. He demonstrate this by trying to force novelty, oversized germs through a toy door…
my mum's home network/computer
that's basically my mum's computer. Then I tried to use the wifi by joining through her computer and BOOM I seemed to have opene pandoras box and been infected with the most random viruses like "FRED IS DEAD"  (who invents these viruses?)

Long story short I'll be attempting to fix my poor laptop-Helena- and so won't be posting for a couple of days :) I'll be back on thursday hopefully and you might still get some content from Amy :)

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